When agricultural commercialization fails: ‘Re-visiting’ value-chain agriculture and its ruins in northern Ghana

Azindow Yakubu Iddrisu, Stefan Ouma, Joseph Awetori Yaro

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Commercialization via value-chain agriculture, under which small farmers often collaborate with big companies, has become a prominent development strategy across Africa. Often framed in win-win terms, the dark sides of such projects (e.g. project failure, related losses) are often sidelined in both academic and practitioner discourses on agricultural commercialization. Informed by a collaborative ethnography of a failed value-chain agriculture project in Ghana, this paper seeks to contribute to a better understanding of how farmers, agribusiness companies, and development organizations engage with and shape commercialization processes, and how those most affected–farmers and their communities–experience often risky and conflict-prone ventures. In contrast to the win-win-rhetoric adopted by funders and corporate partners in such projects, we foreground the uneven distribution of risk and sacrifice/losses between farmers, communities, and corporate partners; the socially and materially disruptive nature of commercialization projects for host communities; and the clashes between a planner’s view of the world and the environmental realities of commercialization.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2022


  • Africa
  • agrarian change
  • contract farming
  • debt
  • risk
  • value chains


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