Utilization of cowpeas for human food

R. Dixon Phillips, Kay H. McWatters, Manjeet S. Chinnan, Yen Con Hung, Larry R. Beuchat, San Sefa-Dedeh, Esther Sakyi-Dawson, Patrick Ngoddy, Dickson Nnanyelugo, Joyce Enwere, N. Sharon Komey, Keshun Liu, Yvonne Mensa-Wilmot, Ifendu A. Nnanna, Chinwe Okeke, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, Firibu K. Saalia

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

110 Citations (Scopus)


This paper reviews the research and outreach accomplishments of the cowpea utilization project sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development-funded Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support Program. Research has examined a limited number of cultivars and has taken as its starting point mature, dry seeds. A broad spectrum of food quality issues have been studied, including: • safety concerns and physiological effects associated with consuming legume seeds and products made from them; • chemical composition and nutritional quality of the seeds and products; • physical and functional behavior of seeds and products; and • socioeconomic aspects including sensory quality of seeds and products, consumer acceptance, and costs and impacts of technology adoption. Research foci have included: • The effect of pretreatment and storage on cowpea food quality; • processing whole seeds to improve food quality; • conversion of legume seeds into food ingredients, principally flours and meals; • processing seeds and ingredients to improve food quality; and • improvement of traditional foods and development of new foods from bean and cowpea-based ingredients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)193-213
Number of pages21
JournalField Crops Research
Issue number2-3
Publication statusPublished - May 2003
Externally publishedYes


  • Acceptability
  • Cowpea
  • Nutrition
  • Processing
  • Products
  • Quality


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