Untraditional synthesis of ni-based alloys for medical application

B. Agyei-Tuffour, E. Annan, E. R. Rwenyagila, E. Ampaw, E. Arthur, K. Mustapha, S. Kolawole, W. O. Soboyejo, M. I. Marinov, D. D. Radev

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Due to the combination of excellent mechanical properties, high chemical stability and appropriate biocompatibility, the Ni-based alloys find large application in implantology and dentistry. The traditional metallurgical synthesis methods of these alloys have some difficulties leading to inconstancy of the composition, degradation of properties and escalation of the product price. Here we show how to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional methods of synthesis and production of Ni-based alloys for medical application using combination of mechanochemical and powder-metallurgical routes. The structural properties of the products were studied using SEM/TEM and XRD methods. It was shown that the mechanically assisted synthesis allows obtaining nanosized Ni-Ti alloy with mean particle size of 20- 30 nm at significantly lower temperature in comparison with the traditional metallurgical high-temperature alloying. It was also shown that after 40 hours of intense mechanical treatment of the starting Ni and Ti powders, a direct synthesis of Ni- Ti alloy proceeds. The product has excellent sinterability which allows producing bodies with controlled structural properties appropriate for application in implantology. Using standard mechanical tests and structural examinations it was demonstrated that the Ni-Cr dental alloys obtained by mechanically assisted sintering and casting possess excellent mechanical, technological and aesthetic properties. These alloys are suitable as dental restoration materials and production of porcelain veneered constructions like crowns and bridges using the so called metal-to-ceramic technique.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)270-276
Number of pages7
JournalARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Dental alloys
  • Mechanochemical synthesis
  • Microstructure
  • Nickel (Ni)
  • Powder metallurgy
  • Sintering


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