Unique LCR variations among lineages of HPV16, 18 and 45 isolates from women with normal cervical cytology in Ghana

Adolf K. Awua, Richard M.K. Adanu, Edwin K. Wiredu, Edwin A. Afari, Vanessa A. Zubuch, Richard H. Asmah, Alberto Severini

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Background: In addition to being useful for classification, sequence variations of human Papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes have been implicated in differential oncogenic potential and a differential association with the different histological forms of invasive cervical cancer. These associations have also been indicated for HPV genotype lineages and sub-lineages. In order to better understand the potential implications of lineage variation in the occurrence of cervical cancers in Ghana, we studied the lineages of the three most prevalent HPV genotypes among women with normal cytology as baseline to further studies. Methods: Of previously collected self- and health personnel-collected cervical specimen, 54, which were positive for HPV16, 18 and 45, were selected and the long control region (LCR) of each HPV genotype was separately amplified by a nested PCR. DNA sequences of 41 isolates obtained with the forward and reverse primers by Sanger sequencing were analysed. Results: Nucleotide sequence variations of the HPV16 genotypes were observed at 30 positions within the LCR (7460 - 7840). Of these, 19 were the known variations for the lineages B and C (African lineages), while the other 11 positions had variations unique to the HPV16 isolates of this study. For the HPV18 isolates, the variations were at 35 positions, 22 of which were known variations of Africa lineages and the other 13 were unique variations observed for the isolates obtained in this study (at positions 7799 and 7813). HPV45 isolates had variations at 35 positions and 2 (positions 7114 and 97) were unique to the isolates of this study. Conclusion: This study provides the first data on the lineages of HPV 16, 18 and 45 isolates from Ghana. Although the study did not obtain full genome sequence data for a comprehensive comparison with known lineages, these genotypes were predominately of the Africa lineages and had some unique sequence variations at positions that suggest potential oncogenic implications. These data will be useful for comparison with lineages of these genotypes from women with cervical lesion and all the forms of invasive cervical cancers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number85
JournalVirology Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Apr 2017


  • African Lineage
  • Ghana
  • HPV Lineage
  • HPV Variant
  • Human Papillomavirus
  • Long Control Region


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