The mediating role of employer attractiveness and prestige on the relationship between green recruitment and job pursuit intention in Ghana

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: Whilst organisations' responses to implementing sustainability principles have been influenced significantly by external pressures (e.g. competitor action, regulator influences), researchers are turning attention to the influence of internal stakeholders (staff members) and external stakeholders (e.g. prospective applicants) on an organisation's sustainability motivations. This study aimed to assess the relationship between green recruitment practices and job pursuit intention and the role of organisational attractiveness and prestige among prospective employees. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses the cross-sectional survey; a sample of 215 students are used to validate the five (5) hypotheses developed from the literature review. To achieve a more plausible regression parameter estimates, the structural equation modelling is the main analytical technique used to analyse the hypotheses. Findings: The results show that there is a positive effect of green recruitment on organisational attractiveness, organisational prestige, and job pursuit intention. Similarly, organisational attractiveness and organisational prestige serially mediated the relationship between green recruitment and job pursuit intentions. Originality/value: This study is an addition to the literature on the soft green human resource management practices, specifically green recruitment from the perspective of potential job applicants. In addition, the study uses data from a new and under-researched geographical context, Ghana to contribute and shed light on the topic. Critically, research on sustainable human resource management has been shown to be very limited from the Africa's context. Consequently, the present evidence from the Ghana's perspective responds to the call.

Original languageEnglish
JournalEvidence-based HRM
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Ghana
  • Green recruitment
  • Job pursuit intention
  • Organisational attractiveness
  • Organisational prestige


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