The Ghanaian Voter and the 2008 General Election

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Why do Ghanaian voters who vote for co-ethnics do so? Analysing survey and interview data drawn from segments of the voting population, the article demonstrates that the electorates vote for their ethnic group candidates because they believe in their ability to solve the prevailing economic problems of the country in terms of improving their living standards and delivering development projects to their constituencies. Ethnic voting, therefore, is not an end in itself rather it is a means to an end. The article notes that ethnic voting is relevant to the extent that it is directly linked to the economy and development projects. Ethnic voting contributes to democratic growth rather than disintegrating multiparty politics. It allows politicians and their parties to rely on ethnic groups for constant supply of votes thereby fostering regular mass/electorates’ participation in the electoral and democratic process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)371-387
Number of pages17
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sep 2016


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