The ecology of mosquitoes in an irrigated vegetable farm in Kumasi, Ghana: Abundance, productivity and survivorship

Yaw A. Afrane, Bernard W. Lawson, Ruth Brenya, Thomas Kruppa, Guiyun Yan

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Irrigated vegetable farms within the city of Kumasi, Ghana, create hotspots for the breeding of malaria vectors, which could lead to high transmission of malaria. This study investigated the abundance and productivity of mosquitoes in an irrigated vegetable farm in Kumasi, Ghana. Methods. Adult mosquito productivity was estimated five days in a week in different irrigated scheme types (dug-out wells, furrows and footprints) for 12 weeks using emergence traps. Larval sampling was done five days a week to estimate the abundance of larvae from the different irrigated schemes types. Results: Mosquito breeding in the irrigated vegetable field was confined to dug-out wells, furrows and human footprints. Mosquito productivity (m2/week) was highest in the dugout wells followed by the human footprints and the least was in the furrows (11.23, 5.07 and 4.34 An. gambiae/m2/week). Larval abundance for the late instars (3rd, 4th and pupae) also followed the same trend, with the dug-out wells having the highest larval abundance followed by the human footprints and then the furrows (13.24, 6.81, 5.87 larvae/week). Mosquito productivity and abundance was negatively correlated with rainfall (R2 = 0.209; P< 0.01). Conclusion: This study showed that adult and larval mosquito abundance and larval survival were high in the irrigated fields in the irrigated vegetable farm. This therefore, contributed significantly to adult mosquito populations and hence malaria transmission in the city.

Original languageEnglish
Article number233
JournalParasites and Vectors
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Anopheles gambiae
  • Ghana
  • Irrigated farms
  • Kumasi
  • Mosquito productivity
  • Urban malaria


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