The colonising effect: Marketisation and the discursive enactment of institutional identity on Ghanaian universities’ websites

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The relationship between discourses of marketisation and the institutional discourses of higher education has been widely explored. The focus has been on discerning the ways whereby discourses of marketisation have come to colonise institutional discourses, and shape the identities, as well as the purposes of higher education institutions. A major research trend on the relationship between marketisation and higher education has been the reliance on promotional discourse genres. The literature on how marketisation has come to shape online institutional discourses in Ghana is scant. This study explores how the discourses of marketisation have shaped the types of identities that are enacted through the international students’ section on the websites of two leading institutions. The study draws on the dialectical relational approach to CDA (Fairclough, 2013), as the principal methodological and analytical framework. The findings show that the discourses of marketisation have colonised institutional discourses, thus greatly affecting institutions’ construal of instrumental, entrepreneurial and globalised identities. In addition, the paper explores how the verbal and visual modes were used in complementarity, in the performance of institutional discourses. The study concludes by arguing that higher education institutions in Ghana will have to construe identities that are more academically oriented.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Marketing Semiotics and Discourse Studies
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Cda
  • Ghana
  • Higher education
  • Identities
  • Marketisation


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