Technology: A metaparadigm concept of nursing

Jonathan Bayuo, Hammoda Abu-Odah, Jing Jing Su, Lydia Aziato

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Undoubtedly, technology continues to permeate the world at an unprecedented pace. The discipline of nursing is not alien to this phenomenon as nurses continue to employ various technological objects and applications in clinical practice, education, administration and research. Despite the centrality of technology in nursing, it has not been recognised as a metaparadigm domain of interest in the discipline of nursing. Thus, this paper sought to examine if technology truly reflected a metaparadigm domain using the four requirements posited by Fawcett. Using these requirements, we examined the onto-epistemology of technology in relation to nursing and conclude that technology potentially represents a distinct domain that intersects with nursing (particularly, from the humanities perspective). Also, technology encompasses some phenomena of interest to the discipline of nursing, demonstrates perspective-neutrality, and is international in scope and substance albeit with some nuances which do not fit well with nursing onto-epistemology. Put together, it is highlighted that technology intersects with the existing metaparadigm domains (person, health, environment and nursing) which positions it as a potential phenomenon of interest to the discipline of nursing requiring further work to articulate its position and role.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12592
JournalNursing Inquiry
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • epistemology
  • metaparadigm
  • nursing
  • ontology
  • technology


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