Strengthening applied epidemiology in west africa: Progress, gaps, and advancing a regional strategy to improve health security

Virgil Kuassi Lokossou, Issiaka Sombie, Césaire Damien Ahanhanzo, Carlos Brito, Simon Nyovuura Antara, Patrick Mboya Nguku, Muhammad Shakir Balogun, Ernest Kenu, Edgard Marius Ouendo, Chukwuma David Umeokonkwo, Stanley Okolo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The ability to prevent, promptly detect, and appropriately respond to a public health threat is essential for health security. Field epidemiology training has helped increase the quality and quantity of the public health workforce to strengthen disease surveillance, outbreak preparedness and response, and general public health capacity. We conducted a desk review on the status of the Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program model in 16 countries in West Africa. We also developed a questionnaire and shared it with West African Health Organization (WAHO) member states to document their experiences and the status of training in their countries. WAHO organized a regional 3-day consultative meeting with major stakeholders in the region to examine progress, gaps, and challenges, and outline a roadmap to strengthen the Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program. Stakeholders shared their experiences, engaged in discussions to identify strengths and gaps, and made plans on a way forward. Member states are at different levels of implementing field epidemiology and laboratory training programs in their countries, and, therefore, major gaps remain in the number and distribution of trained epidemiologists throughout West Africa. Member states implement different variants of the program and in some instances the same cadre of health workers are trained in different but comparable programs with different funding streams. Two member states had not begun implementing the training program. Developing regional centers of excellence was recommended in the long term while collaboration among member states to train the required number of epidemiologists to fill the acute needs could be helpful in the short and medium term. Curriculum harmonization and expansion, deployment and use of trained epidemiologists, accreditation of training institutions, and generation of indigenous funding streams are recommended to improve the Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program in West Africa.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)88-99
Number of pages12
JournalHealth security
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021


  • Field epidemiology
  • Outbreak response
  • Surveillance
  • Workforce development


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