Stakeholder opinions on perceived sub-standard emergency obstetric and newborn care in Ghana

Alice Ayawine, Mathias J.A. Asaarik, Roger A. Atinga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Sub-Saharan Africa is unlikely to achieve sustainable development goal (SDG) 3 on maternal and neonatal health due to perceived sub-standard maternal and newborn care in the region. This paper sought to explore the opinions of stakeholders on intricacies dictating sub-standard emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC) in health facilities in Northern Ghana. Methods: Drawing from a qualitative study design, data were obtained from six focus group discussions (FGDs) among 42 health care providers and 27 in-depth interviews with management members, clients and care takers duly guided by the principle of data saturation. Participants were purposively selected from basic and comprehensive level facilities. Data analysis followed Braun and Clarke’s qualitative thematic analysis procedure. Results: Four themes and 13 sub-themes emerged as root drivers to sub-standard care. Specfically, the findings highlight centralisation of EmONC, inadequate funding, insufficient experiential training, delay in recruitment of newly trained essential staff and provider disinterest in profession. Conclusion: Setbacks in the training and recruitment systems in Ghana, inadequate investment in rural health coupled with extent of health provider inherent disposition to practice may be partly responsible for sub-standard obstetric care in the study area. Interventions targeting the afore-mentioned areas may reduce events of sub-standard care.

Original languageEnglish
Article number461
JournalBMC Health Services Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • EmONC
  • Ghana
  • Opinions
  • Stakeholder
  • Sub-standard


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