Soybean [glycine max (L.) merrill] shows no change in predatoryarthropods population after mutagenesis in northern ghana

I. A. Wahab, S. Adu-Acheampong, I. K. Addai

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Predatory arthropods dynamics can be a proxy measure for arthropods pest dynamics in an agro-ecosystem. We investigated the diversity of predatory arthropods associated with soybean lines developed through mutagenesis along with NPK fertilizer effect on the lines. The soybean lines were 0 Gy, 150 Gy, 200 Gy, 250 Gy and 300 Gy and two NPK fertilizer rates at 0 kg ha-1 and 60 kg ha-1 in a factorial design with three replications in CRD. The results indicated that predatory arthropod diversity associated with the four soybean lines were statistically similar. Also, fertilizer did not significantly affect predatory arthropod dynamics. We conclude that there is a similar trend of predatory arthropod diversity within the different soybean lines. As a result, we recommend the best performing line (s) after screening, to farmers for adoption because arthropod pests will not be a problem to consider in choosing any line (s) over others.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)159-162
Number of pages4
JournalAgricultural Science Digest
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Agroecosystems
  • Fertilizer
  • Mutagenesis
  • Predatory Arthropods
  • Soybean


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