Response of three local chicken ecotypes of Ghana to lentogenic and velogenic Newcastle disease virus challenge

Christopher K. Tudeka, George K. Aning, Augustine Naazie, Princess K. Botchway, Esinam N. Amuzu-Aweh, Godwin K. Agbenyegah, Ben Enyetornye, Diana Fiadzomor, Perot Saelao, Ying Wang, Terra R. Kelly, Rodrigo Gallardo, Jack C.M. Dekkers, Susan J. Lamont, Huaijun Zhou, Boniface B. Kayang

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2 Citations (Scopus)


This study was carried out to assess the response of three Ghanaian local chicken ecotypes to LaSota (lentogenic) and virulent field strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Local chickens sampled from the Interior Savannah (IS), Forest (FO) and Coastal Savannah (CS) agro-ecological zones were bred and their offspring were challenged with LaSota NDV at 4 weeks of age. The LaSota challenge was replicated four times with different chicken groups. A total of 1438 chicks comprising 509 Coastal Savannah, 518 Forest and 411 Interior Savannah ecotypes were used. Pre- and post-challenge anti-NDV antibody titre levels were determined via ELISA assays. A second trial was conducted by introducing sick birds infected with virulent NDV to a flock of immunologically naïve chickens at 4 weeks old. Body weights were measured pre- and post-infection. Sex of the chickens was determined using a molecular method. In both trials, there was no significant difference among ecotypes in body weight and growth rate. In the LaSota trial, anti-NDV antibody titre did not differ by ecotype or sex. However, there was a positive linear relationship between body weight and antibody titre. In the velogenic NDV trial, survivability and lesion scores were similar among the three ecotypes. This study confirms that a relatively high dose of LaSota (NDV) challenge has no undesirable effect on Ghanaian local chicken ecotypes. All three Ghanaian local chicken ecotypes were susceptible to velogenic NDV challenge. Resistance to NDV by Ghanaian local chickens appears to be determined more by the individual’s genetic makeup than by their ecotype.

Original languageEnglish
Article number134
JournalTropical Animal Health and Production
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022


  • Antibody titre
  • Lesion score
  • Newcastle disease virus
  • Velogenic
  • Virulent


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