Research and conservation of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar: a review of knowledge gaps and opportunities

Rowan O. Martin, Michael R. Perrin, Rutledge S. Boyes, Yilma D. Abebe, Nathaniel D. Annorbah, Augustus Asamoah, Dieudonné Bizimana, Kadiri S. Bobo, Nancy Bunbury, Joost Brouwer, Moussa S. Diop, Mihret Ewnetu, Roger C. Fotso, Jerry Garteh, Philip Hall, Lars H. Holbech, Ireene R. Madindou, Fiona Maisels, Jérôme Mokoko, Ronald MulwaAnna Reuleaux, Craig Symes, Simon Tamungang, Stuart Taylor, Simon Valle, Matthias Waltert, Mengistu Wondafrash

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

52 Citations (Scopus)


Parrot populations in Africa and Madagascar are declining and the need for conservation actions to address threats is increasingly recognised. Effective conservation requires a robust knowledge base on which decisions over appropriate actions can be made, yet at present there is no current and readily accessible synthesis of the status of populations, the threats they face and knowledge gaps. Here we begin to address this shortfall for the larger species in the region belonging to the genera Coracopsis, Poicephalus, Psittacus and Psittacula. We review developments since the production of the IUCN Parrot Action Plan published in 2000, identify areas where critical knowledge is lacking and highlight opportunities to address them. While advances have been made over the last decade, progress has not been evenly spread, with a strong bias towards populations in southern Africa. To date much research has focused on describing aspects of ecology and behaviour and there remains a need for studies determining the current status of populations and the factors limiting distributions and abundance. This review aims to provide a basis upon which progress towards an improved understanding of the conservation needs of the larger parrots of Africa and Madagascar can be made.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)205-233
Number of pages29
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014


  • conservation priorities
  • conservation status
  • Coracopsis
  • Poicephalus
  • Psittacula
  • Psittacus


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