Predictors of subjective well-being among older Ghanaians

B. N.L. Calys-Tagoe, S. A. Hewlett, P. Dako-Gyeke, A. E. Yawson, N. A. Baddoo, N. A.H. Seneadza, G. Mensah, N. Minicuci, N. Naidoo, S. Chatterji, P. Kowal, R. B. Biritwum

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


BACKGROUND: Later years of life are accompanied by many physical, emotional and environmental changes which may impact on the well-being of the individual. Many factors are known to influence the subjective well-being of older adults, but most, if not all of this information was the result of studies in the Western world. This study aimed at obtaining and documenting the predictors of subjective well-being (SWB) among older Ghanaians.

METHODS: Data for the study was obtained from the WHO SAGE study. The single item measure of life satisfaction was used to determine subjective well-being. Descriptive statistics as well as logistic regression analysis were carried out to determine the predictors of SWB.

RESULTS: A total of 4724 individuals aged 50 years and above responded to the questionnaires. Of these 50.4% were males. Following multivariate logistic regression analysis, age, sex, educational level, income and ethnic background were found to significantly affect the SWB of older Ghanaians. Being male was associated with higher level of SWB (OR=1.68; CI: 1.39 - 2.03). For those 50 years and above, being younger (50-59 years) was also associated with a high level of SWB (OR=17.72; CI: 10.13-30.98). Earning a low income and having low educational level were both associated with low levels of SWB (OR=0.304; CI: 0.22-0.42; and OR=0.47; CI: 0.37-0.60 respectively). Ewes (p=0.027), Grumas (p=0.002) and Mole-Dagbons (p=0.04) had significantly higher SWB compared to the other ethnic groups.

CONCLUSION: Among older Ghanaians, factors that positively influence SWB are younger age, male sex, high educational level and high income.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)178-184
Number of pages7
JournalGhana Medical Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Life satisfaction
  • Older Ghanaians
  • Predictors
  • SAGE study
  • Subjective well-being


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