Physico-functional and nutritional characteristics of germinated pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) flour as a functional food ingredient

Richard Atinpoore Atuna, Mary Ann Sarpong Mensah, Gifty Koomson, Fortune Akabanda, Selorm Yaotse Dorvlo, Francis Kweku Amagloh

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The study investigated the effect of germination on pigeon pea flour’s physico-functional (pH, color, water and oil absorption capacities, swelling and foaming capacities and bulk densities) and proximate, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity. The physico-functional and proximate parameters were determined using standard protocols. The color analysis showed that germination significantly increased the flour samples’ lightness (L*) (70.7; p = 0.009) by almost 1.5-fold. Germination resulted in almost 1.1 times higher oil absorption capacity than the control (219.9%; p = 0.022). The foaming capacity of the germinated samples significantly (p = 0.015) increased by 6.4%. Germination significantly reduced the loose bulk density (0.54 vs 0.63; p = 0.012) but significantly increased the tapped bulk density (0.84 vs 0.77; p = 0.002). The germinated samples recorded significantly (1.62%; p = 0.010) lower crude fat, about 1.2 times lower than the raw flour. Germination significantly increased the flour’s total ash (4.2% vs 3.6%; p = 0.003) and crude protein (11.6% vs 9.4%; p = 0.047) content. Germinated pigeon pea flour will perform better in formulating baked products, aerated foods and food extenders than non-germinated pigeon pea flour. Hence, the germination of pigeon peas should be encouraged because it harnesses the functional and proximate attributes measured.

Original languageEnglish
Article number16627
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


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