Phosphate sorption characteristics of major soils in Okinawa, Japan

Daniel E. Dodor, Oya Kazuhiro

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33 Citations (Scopus)


Phosphate sorption isotherms were determined for 16 representative major soils developed from different parent materials on Okinawa. Phosphate sorption characteristics were satisfactorily described by the Langmuir equation, which was used to determine phosphorus (P) sorption maxima of the soils. Phosphate sorption maxima ranged from 630 to 2208 mg P kg-1 soil (mean 1,362 mg P kg-1). The standard P requirement (i.e., the amount of P required to attain 0.2 mg P L-1 equilibrium solution) followed the same trend as sorption maximum (r =0.94***), with values ranging from 132 to 1,020 mg P kg-1 soil (mean 615 mg P kg-1). This mean value corresponds to fertilizer addition of 923 kg P ha-1 indicating that the soils have high P fertilizer requirements. Results of simple linear regression analysis indicated that sorption maximum was significantly correlated with clay content, organic matter, oxalate iron (Fe), pyrophosphate Fe, DCB aluminum (Al), oxalate Al, and pyrophosphate Al, but not with DCB Fe, pH, or available P content. The best regression model for predicting sorption maximum was the combination of clay, organic matter, pyrophosphate Fe, and DCB Al which altogether explained 79% of the variance in sorption maximum. The equation obtained could offer a rapid estimation of P sorption in Okinawan soils.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)277-288
Number of pages12
JournalCommunications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes


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