Penile skin bridge multiple liathiasis, a diagnosis made in a complication of circumcision in a 24 year old young adult: Case report

Mahamudu Ayamba Ali, Mawuenyo Attawa Oyortey, Yaw Otchere Donkor, Raymond Saa-Eru Maalman, Mathew Yamoah Kyei, Emmanuel Nachelleh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Penile skin bridge stones are rare complications which has never been reported in literature hence information about management is non-existent. This case reports a 24-year-old man presenting with recurrent inflammatory symptoms in his sizeable penile skin bridge. Clinical examination revealed multiple calculi which was confirmed after surgical division of the SB. Phimosis and stone migration are the pathological basis underlying all reported cases of non-urethral calculi in uncircumcised elderly phallus. Extra-luminal urolithiasis in a young circumcised man, we believe have different predisposing factors and prognosis. Treatment involved stone removal and debridement of the skin bridge which yielded successful outcome.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101742
JournalUrology Case Reports
Publication statusPublished - Sep 2021


  • Circumcision
  • Multiple lithiasis
  • Penile glans calculi
  • Penile skin bridge


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