Organizational capacities of national pharmacovigilance centres in Africa: Assessment of resource elements associated with successful and unsuccessful pharmacovigilance experiences

H. Hilda Ampadu, Jarno Hoekman, Daniel Arhinful, Marilyn Amoama-Dapaah, Hubert G.M. Leufkens, Alex N.O. Dodoo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Citations (Scopus)


Background: National pharmacovigilance centres (national centres) are gradually gaining visibility as part of the healthcare delivery system in Africa. As does happen in high-income countries, it is assumed that national centres can play a central coordinating role in their national pharmacovigilance (PV) systems. However, there are no studies that have investigated whether national centres in Africa have sufficient organizational capacity to deliver on this mandate and previous studies have reported challenges such as lack of funding, political will and adequate human resources. We conducted interviews with strategic leaders in national centres in 18 African countries, to examine how they link the capacity of their organization to the outcomes of activities coordinated by their centres. Strategic leaders were asked to describe three situations in which activities conducted by their centre were deemed successful and unsuccessful. We analyzed these experiences for common themes and examined whether strategic leaders attributed particular types of resources and relationships with stakeholders to successful or unsuccessful activities. Results: We found that strategic leaders most often attributed successful experiences to the acquisition of political (e.g. legal mandate) or technical (e.g. active surveillance database) resources, while unsuccessful experiences were often attributed to the lack of financial and human resources. Stakeholders that were most often mentioned in association with successful experiences were national government and development partners, whereas national government and public health programmes (PHPs) were often mentioned in unsuccessful experiences. All 18 centres, regardless of maturity of their PV systems had similar challenges. Conclusions: The study concludes that national centres in Africa are faced with 3 core challenges: (1) over-reliance on development partners, (2) seeming indifference of national governments to provide support after national centres have gained membership of the World Health Organization (WHO) Programme for International Drug Monitoring (PIDM) and (3) engaging public health programmes in a sustainable way.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109
JournalGlobalization and Health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Development partners
  • National governments
  • National pharmacovigilance centres
  • Organizational capacity
  • Outcomes
  • Public health Programmes
  • Resource elements
  • Stakeholders


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