Management of intrathoracic oesophageal perforation: Analysis of 16 cases

M. Tettey, F. Edwin, E. Aniteye, L. Sereboe, M. Tamatey, K. Entsua-Mensah, D. Kotei, K. Frimpong-Boateng

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14 Citations (Scopus)


Intrathoracic oesophageal perforation remains a life-threatening lesion that requires early diagnosis and the appropriate intervention in order to reduce morbidity and mortality. Management depends largely on the cause of the perforation, the integrity of the oesophagus and the time lapse between the perforation and the commencement of treatment. Our aim was to evaluate the management options that were employed in the treatment of patients with oesophageal perforation and the outcome. The records of 16 patients (11 males and 5 females) who had been operated on from 1994–2009 were retrospectively reviewed. Their ages ranged between 2–66 years (mean 36.4). Malignant oesophageal perforations were excluded from the study. The aetiology was iatrogenic in 10 (62.5%), foreign bodies five (31.2%) and spontaneous one (6.2%). Six patients (37.5%) presented within 24 h of their injury and 10 (62.5%) presented after 24 h. Thoracotomy and intrathoracic primary repair was possible in five (31.2%) cases. Oesophagectomy, cervical oesophagostomy and feeding gastrostomy were carried out in 11 (68.8%). Oesophageal substitution was by colon, routed retrosternally. One patient (6.2%) died after oesophagectomy from overwhelming sepsis. Oesophageal perforation is a life-threatening condition. Early diagnosis and the institution of prompt and appropriate treatment ensure good outcome.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)201-203
Number of pages3
JournalTropical Doctor
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2011
Externally publishedYes


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