Lead (Pb) exposure assessment in dried blood spots using Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF)

Verónica Rodríguez-Saldaña, Julius Fobil, Niladri Basu

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Lead (Pb) exposure is often determined through the analysis of whole blood though venipuncture poses ethical, economic, and logistical barriers. Dried Blood Spots (DBS) may help overcome such barriers though past studies measuring Pb in DBS have been challenged with quality control, small sample volumes, and other issues. Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF) may help address some of these challenges but has yet to be used to measure Pb in DBS. As such, the aim of the current study was to develop, validate, and apply a method to analyze Pb in DBS samples using TXRF for use in human biomonitoring studies. First, we developed a novel method (tested a range of parameters), and then used blood reference materials to validate the method against performance criteria listed in ICH Q2A and Q2B and the European Bioanalysis Forum. Finally, we applied the method to two populations who exemplify divergent conditions (41 university members with relatively low Pb exposures sampled in a clinical environment; 40 electronic waste workers with relatively high Pb exposures sampled in a contaminated field setting). The limits of detection and quantification of the method were 0.28 and 0.69 μg/dL, respectively. The overall precision and accuracy of the method were 15% and 111%, respectively. The mean (±SD) DBS Pb levels by TXRF in the university members and e-waste workers were 0.78 (±0.46) and 3.78 (±3.01) μg/dL, respectively, and these were not different from Pb measures in venous whole blood using ICP-MS. Bland-Altman plot analyses indicated good agreement between DBS Pb measures by TXRF versus whole blood Pb measures by ICP-MS in both groups. By combining data from the two population groups, there was no significant constant bias (intercept of 0.02 μg/dL) or proportional bias (slope was −0.02) between the two measures, and the lower and upper LoA were −0.86 and 0.91 μg/dL, respectively, with a LoA range of 1.77 μg/dL. These results demonstrate that TXRF-based analysis of Pb content in DBS is a good alternative to the gold standard (i.e., ICP-MS analysis of whole blood), and helps overcome some of the challenges associated with current methods.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110444
JournalEnvironmental Research
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2021


  • Biomonitoring
  • Dried blood spots
  • Exposure assessment
  • Lead pollution
  • Surveillance


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