Knowledge about sexually transmitted infections among sexual and reproductive health clinic attendants in Ghana

Sedinam A.A. Atupra, Titus Beyuo, Emma R. Lawrence

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Background: Prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are important to reduce associated morbidity and mortality. Awareness and knowledge about STIs promote healthy reproductive health behaviours. Objective: This study assessed the knowledge about STIs and their prevention among sexual and reproductive health clinic attendants. Methods: A survey was administered to attendants at two sexual and reproductive health clinics in Ghana. Questions included demographics, utilization of reproductive services, knowledge about STIs, and personal behaviours regarding STI prevention. An STI Knowledge Score was created by summing correct responses to thirty-three factual questions on STI transmission, prevention, and symptoms. Results: Of 155 participants, 85.8% reported any knowledge about STIs, and 56.8% had been educated about STIs by healthcare providers at the sexual and reproductive health clinic. Initial education about STIs was most encountered at school (56.3%). Most participants correctly identified gonorrhoea (87.1%), syphilis (65.8%), and human immunodeficiency virus (94.8%) as STIs, however, less than half correctly identified chlamydia (46.5%) and hepatitis B (45.2%). Regarding knowledge of transmission, 93.5% knew that STIs are transmitted through unprotected intercourse, however, 36.1% incorrectly believed that STIs could be spread by sharing cups and spoons. The majority (90.2%) correctly identified condoms as a method of STI prevention. On a 33-point STI Knowledge Score, participants had a mean [± standard deviation (SD)] of 21 (±-1.2). overall, 21.2% of participants had “poor” knowledge, 50.4% had “satisfactory” knowledge and 28.4% had “excellent” knowledge. Overall, 79% of participants felt that they were prepared to share information about STIs with others. A higher level of knowledge was associated with a greater preparedness to share. Conclusion: Attendants of sexual and reproductive health clinics have a high awareness about STIs, however important knowledge gaps exist. We highlight the importance of sexual and reproductive health clinics providing comprehensive STI counselling.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)230-237
Number of pages8
JournalHealth Sciences Investigations Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Ghana
  • Sexually transmitted infection
  • reproductive health
  • sexual health


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