Is single-dose NVP relevant in the era of more efficacious PMTCT regimens? Lessons from Zambia

K. Torpey, P. Kasonde, R. Dirks, M. Bweupe, M. Kabaso, J. Mandala, G. Sangiwa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


For almost a decade, single-dose nevirapine (sdNVP) has been proven to be a safe and effective drug for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. With the advent of the use of more efficacious combination therapy strategy in reducing mother-to-child transmission, sdNVP has been relegated as a lower tier intervention. Availability of infrastructural capacity coupled with the practical reality that very few women attend an antenatal clinic more than once makes universal implementation of combination therapy a challenge. This retrospective review examined PMTCT programmatic indicators following the introduction of sdNVP at first contact in selected sites. Data from 79 PMTCT sites was reviewed from April 2006 to March 2007 (when sdNVP was offered only after 32 weeks) and compared to the period of April 2007-March 2008. In the pre-intervention period (April 2006-March 2007), the monthly average of pregnant women who received sdNVP per site was 5.02. Post-intervention (April 2007-March 2008), the monthly average increased by 59% to 7.97 (p-value < 0.05). In pre-intervention period when sdNVP was dispensed at 32 weeks, the average proportion of pregnant women who received antiretroviral prophylaxis was 59%. This increased to 82% after the intervention. Current systems for dispensing sdNVP may be used as a foundation for implementation of more efficacious PMTCT regimens. The sdNVP administered at first contact should be a safety net for women who are unable to receive more efficacious regimen.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)166-169
Number of pages4
JournalAIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • HIV
  • Mother-to-child transmission
  • Nevirapine
  • Perinatal
  • Zambia


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