Invoking “re” Towards Potentialities for African Agency in (Re)search

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This essay is a provocation that seeks to contribute to the (re)naissance of African-centered scholarship through a critical interrogation and engagement of words or concepts that exude criticality yet are frequently used superficially. For Africans (globally), conceived by unfavorable imaginations, critical reflection is vital to enable them to engage in deep, reflective analysis of their thoughts, actions, and experiences. Having been dislocated in many ways, (re)examining assumptions, biases, and beliefs and (re)considering alternative perspectives and ideas must preoccupy African researchers. Through an onto-epistemic prism that centers on both Afrocentric assumptions and decolonial thought, the paper interrogates how the prefix “re” extends beyond simplistic meanings like “again” or “repeat” to offer potentialities for African agency. The paper seeks to contribute toward critical African thought and education as well as supporting the pathways for the African Renaissance. The aim is to explore how the prefix “re” can help to empower Africans to shape their own futures.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Qualitative Methods
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2024


  • (re)search
  • African agency
  • African renaissance
  • afrocentricity
  • provocation


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