Infant and young child feeding practices are associated with childhood anaemia and stunting in sub-Saharan Africa

Aaron Kobina Christian, Eric Afful-Dadzie, Grace S. Marquis

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The co-occurrence of anaemia and stunting (CAS) presents acute development and morbidity challenges to children particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Evidence on the effect of child feeding recommendations on CAS is scarce. Methods: We used data from 22 recent Demographic and Health Surveys in SSA countries to examine the association between caregivers’ implementation of recommendations on infant and young child feeding and the CAS in their 6- to 23-mo-old children. Results: Overall, in multiple logistic regression models, child feed index score, high wealth of household, increasing household size, household head with at least secondary school education, improved sanitation of household, an increase in caregiver’s age and caregiver’s with at least secondary education were associated with lower odds of CAS (i.e., AOR: 0.86; 95% CI; 0.84 – 0.88: 0.75; 0.69 – 0.82: 0.98, 0.98 – 0.99: 0.76, 0.70 – 0.83: 0.81, 0.74 – 0.87: 0.87, 0.81 – 0.94: 0.69, 0.62 – 0.77 respectively). Having a diarrhoea in the past 2 weeks and having fever in the past month were associated with higher odds of CAS (AOR:1.1, 95% CI; 1.0 – 1.2: 1.1, 1.0 – 1.2, respectively). Results from the decision tree analysis showed that the educational level of women was the most important predictor of CAS, followed by child feeding score, the level of education of the family head and state of drinking water. Conclusion: The results buttress the importance of interventions aimed at improving feeding practices and parental educational as a vehicle to improve children’s nutritional status.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9
JournalBMC Nutrition
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • Anaemia
  • Co-occurrence of anaemia and stunting: feeding practice
  • Decision tree
  • Stunting


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