Implementation dynamics of local economic development: Comparative empirical experiences from Ghana’s local governance system

Akpeko Agbevade

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


There has been an age old assertion that once public policies are formulated, the policies will automatically be implemented to achieve their stated objectives. To unravel this, the article through comparative empirical analysis discussed the dynamics that influenced local economic development implementation in Ghana. It emerged that four key dynamics: politics, leadership commitment and will, land tenure system and administrative, institutional and procedural mechanisms differently shaped local economic development implementation in the three local government units. Whereas these factors promoted local economic development implementation in some of the assemblies, it hindered its successful implementation in others. The findings of this article are of significance to local economic development and local governance practitioners and politicians as they strife to implement local economic development policies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)609-624
Number of pages16
JournalLocal Economy
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Sep 2020


  • Ghana
  • implementation
  • local economic development
  • local governance units
  • public policy


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