Identifying globally relevant learnings from Africa's challenges and solutions to climate change and air pollution-related health impacts: A data science scoping review protocol

Caradee Yael Wright, Anelisa Jaca, Thandi Kapwata, Natasha Naidoo, Babatunde Awokola, Engineer Bainomugisha, Kiros T. Berhane, Suzana Blesic, Anderson Kehbila, Rajen Naidoo, Bono Nemukula, Benjamin Kofi Nyarko, Akinkunmi Paul Okekunle, Tolu Oni, Reginald Quansah, Sokhna Thiam, Ibrahim Sidi Zakari, Negussie Beyene

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction Leveraging data science could significantly advance the understanding of the health impacts of climate change and air pollution to meet health systems' needs and improve public health in Africa. This scoping review will aim to identify and synthesise evidence on the use of data science as an intervention to address climate change and air pollution-related health challenges in Africa. Methods and analysis The search strategy will be developed, and the search will be conducted in the Web of Science, Scopus, CAB Abstracts, MEDLINE and EMBASE electronic databases. We will also search the reference lists of eligible articles for additional records. We will screen titles, technical reports, abstracts and full texts and select studies reporting the use of data science in relation to the health effects and interventions associated with climate change and air pollution in Africa. Ethics and dissemination There are no formal ethics requirements as we are not collecting primary data. Results, once published, will be disseminated via conferences and shared with policy-makers and public health, air pollution and climate change key stakeholders in Africa.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere076941
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 20 May 2024


  • Climate Change
  • Decision Making
  • Health policy
  • Public health


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