Hydrogeological characterization of a tropical crystalline aquifer system

Sandow Mark Yidana, Duke Ophori, Clement A. Alo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This research used a numerical groundwater flow model, calibrated under steady-state conditions to develop the groundwater flow system in the West Mamprusi District of Northern Ghana. It was aimed at conceptualizing the flow system to initiate a thorough hydrogeological study of the rocks in the area. Stable isotopes were used to relate groundwater recharge in the area to recent meteoric water that had been evaporated in transit down the surficial material. On this basis, direct vertical groundwater recharge from precipitation was applied in the numerical modeling. This study suggests that the prospects of commercial development of the aquifers are high as the estimated recharge ranges between 3.3% and 29% of the annual precipitation. Estimated horizontal hydraulic conductivity ranges between 3.2 and 48 m/d in the area. The variability in the horizontal hydraulic conductivity has led to the development of four prominent groundwater flowpaths in the area. However, a prominent NE–SW flow has been observed and is in consonance with the reported structural grain of the country. A groundwater flow divide noted in the southern part of the study area has been attributed to the structural heterogeneity rather than topographical complexities as the area is largely flat.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-24
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Applied Water Engineering and Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2014


  • Voltaian
  • West Mamprusi
  • flowpaths
  • hydraulic conductivity
  • recharge


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