Households’ Coping Dynamics in Response to Large-Scale Land Acquisition for Jatropha Plantations: Evidence from Asante Akim North District of Ghana

Simon Victory Quarcson Hamenoo, Prince Osei Wusu Adjei, Jacob Obodai

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


The study investigated the implications of large-scale land acquisition for jatropha cultivation on the livelihoods of farming households and the various coping strategies adopted. Three communities namely- Dukusen, Ananekrom and Afrisie in the Asante Akim North District were selected for the study based on their proximity to a large-scale jatropha plantation project and the extent of farming activities in the communities. The study employed the mixed method strategy using a cross-sectional study design. Interviews, focus group discussion and documentary analysis were espoused in gathering data for the study. The simple random sampling procedure was used in selecting 30 farming households whereas the managers of the plantation project and two local chiefs, two District Assemblymen, and the Headmasters of basic schools were purposively selected and interviewed. Correlation and descriptive statistical tools were used to analyze the quantitative data while recursive abstraction was applied in analyzing the qualitative aspects of the data. We found that prior to the large-scale land acquisition by the plantation project, all the respondents (100%) had farming as their livelihood activity and major source of food and income, but this had, however, dropped to 60% after the land acquisition for the jatropha project. The average farm size had also reduced from 3.5 acres per household to about 1.5 acres. These changes have triggered various coping dynamics among farming households within the study communities including all year round cropping, application of fertilizers, and cultivation of high-yielding varieties as well as petty trading activities to support household income and ensure sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing. The paper generally concludes that large-scale land acquisition has higher tendency of pushing farming households into adopting different coping strategies and dynamics. The findings reveal new dimensions of the empirical accounts on households’ coping dynamics in response to large-scale land acquisition.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)225-241
Number of pages17
JournalGlobal Social Welfare
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Coping dynamics
  • Coping strategies
  • Ghana
  • Jatropha plantation
  • Large-scale land acquisition
  • Rural livelihoods


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