Hazards of the Densu River delta in Accra—Ghana

John Manyimadin Kusimi, Bertha Ansaah Kusimi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Deltas are in a constant state of flux owing to hazards such as flooding, sea erosion and human activities. Climate change will probably increase the incidence of coastal recession and flooding of deltas. Reducing the vulnerability of deltas/coastal zones requires comprehensive studies to plan appropriate adaptation policies. However, studies on the coastal hazards of Densu delta have been limited to a few localities and also of short-term periods of less than a decade. Owing to uncertainties of natural hazard processes long-time and cyclical analysis of coastal zones provides accurate data on the state of such physical forces and their impact on the landscape and human activities if habited. Accordingly, a holistic investigation of the hazards plaguing the deltaic coastline from a long-term perspective was undertaken to determine hazards plaguing the delta and investigate the causes and impacts on the livelihoods of residents, undertake a longer-term shoreline change analysis of the coastline, and have understanding on institutional management and coping strategies of residents to the hazards. Methods adopted for the study included interviews and focus group discussions, shoreline change analysis and field exploration. The study revealed that the Densu delta is plagued by floods and coastal recession which are affecting lives and properties. Several human and physical processes (e.g., sea-level rise, increasing rainfall, encroachment of reservations) were identified as drivers of these hazards. Government needs to resource local authorities and relevant statutory agencies to enable them effectively perform their roles regarding development planning in the locality to curb these hazards.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)831-852
Number of pages22
JournalNatural Hazards
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - May 2021


  • Coastal flooding
  • Coastal hazards
  • Coastal recession
  • Delta
  • Densu river
  • Shoreline change analysis


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