Geospatial modelling of mineral potential zones using data-driven based weighting factor and statistical index techniques

Prince Ofori Amponsah, Eric Dominic Forson

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12 Citations (Scopus)


Mineral prospectivity models (MPMs) are significantly essential in delineating target zones with the optimum likelihood of containing a particular sought-after mineral deposit. This present study carried out mineral potential mapping over the Collette Prospecting Licence (PL) Area of north-western Ghana using bivariate data-driven spatial statistical models composed of statistical index (SI) and weighting factor (WF) approaches. In the first instance, the geographic coordinates of variously known locations of artisanal mining operations as well as high Au concentration locations were mapped during a field survey. As a result, 181 known locations of Au occurrences were identified, out of which 127 (70%) were selected randomly for training and creating the mineral prospectivity models, whereas the remaining 54 (30%) were used to assess and validate the accuracy of the predictive models produced. The efficacy of mineral prospectivity models generated enormously depends on the appropriate selection of mineral-related factors. In this study, the following mineral-related condition factors (evidential layers) comprising analytic signal, lineament density, uranium-thorium ratio, uranium, potassium-thorium ratio, potassium, reduction-to-equator, and geology were used. The aforementioned evidential layers were derived and sourced from geophysical and geological datasets, which were later prepared for the generation of the models in a geographic information systems (GIS) environment. Finally, the validation of the mineral prospectivity models generated was carried out by applying the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve. The estimated results based on the ROC plots obtained for the predictive models showed that the area under the ROC curve (AUC) scores obtained for the SI-based and WF-based mineral prospectivity models were respectively, 0.780 and 0.733. Hence, it can be concluded that both mineral predictive models created in this study produced reasonably good accuracy (AUC score greater than 0.7) in predicting the potential zones of gold mineralisation occurrences within the Collette PL Area of north-western Ghana. These MPMs can serve as essential models for mineral exploration programmes within the study area.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105020
JournalJournal of African Earth Sciences
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • Area under receiver operating characteristics
  • Geophysical datasets
  • Mineral prospectivity modelling
  • Statistical index
  • Weighting factor


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