Gametocyte Development and Carriage in Ghanaian Individuals with Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria

Bismarck Dinko, Felix Ansah, Comfort Agyare-Kwabi, Senyo Tagboto, Linda Eva Amoah, Britta C. Urban, Colin J. Sutherland, Gordon A. Awandare, Kim C. Williamson, Fred N. Binka, Kirk W. Deitsch

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes develop over 9-12 days while sequestered in deep tissues. On emergence into the bloodstream, they circulate for varied amounts of time during which certain host factors might influence their further development. We aimed to evaluate the potential association of patient clinical parameters with gametocyte development and carriage via in vivo methods. Seventy-two patients were enrolled from three hospitals in the Volta region of Ghana in 2016. Clinical parameters were documented for all patients, and gametocyte prevalence by microscopy wasestimated at 12.5%. By measuringRNAtranscripts representing two distinct gametocyte developmental stages using reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), we obtained a more precise estimate of gametocyte carriage while also inferring gametocyte maturation. Fifty-three percent of the study participants harbored parasites expressing transcripts of the immature gametocyte-specific gene (PF3D7-1477700), whereas 36% harbored PF3D7-1438800 RNA-positive parasites, which is enriched inmid andmature gametocytes, suggesting the presence of moreimmaturestages.Linear logistic regressionshowedthat patients older than5yearsbut less than16yearsweremorelikely to carry gametocytes expressing both PF3D7-1477700 and PF3D7-1438800 compared with younger participants, and gametocytemia was more likely in mildly anemic individuals compared with those with severe/moderate anemia. These data provide further evidence that a greater number of malaria patients harbor gametocytes than typically estimated by microscopy and suggest a possible association between age, fever, anemia, and gametocytemia.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)57-64
Number of pages8
JournalAmerican Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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