Familial, Societal and Situational Factors Influencing Career Choice among Adult Learners in Ghana

Ignatius Kofi Fenu, Samuel Amponsah, Wilson Kwesi Nkum

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


This quantitative cross-sectional survey study sought to determine three significant but under-researched factors influencing adult learners' career choice in Ghana. A sample of 350 respondents was selected through stratified sampling to engage in this survey. Analysis of the data obtained showed statistically significant relationships between specific familial, societal, and situational factors and the career choices of the study respondents. Consequently, employing school counselors' services to orient parents/guardians on career choices among trainee teachers is regarded as imperative for developing positive attitudes towards teaching. This outcome was also observed as a measure to mitigate the high turnover rate among professional teachers. Findings from this study set the tone for further studies to investigate the influence of demographic factors on teaching as a career.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)125-145
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education
Issue numberSI
Publication statusPublished - 21 May 2021


  • adult learner
  • career choice
  • familial
  • pre-service teachers
  • situational
  • societal


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