Factors associated with adverse obstetric events following induction of labour: a retrospective study in a tertiary hospital in Ghana

Kwame Adu-Bonsaffoh, Joseph Seffah

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Induction of labour (IOL) remains an indispensable intervention in obstetric practice; however, it may be associated with significant untoward perinatal outcomes. This study determined the major adverse outcomes of IOL and the associated factors at a tertiary hospital in Ghana Methods: Retrospective study involving women with singleton gestations, conducted at the Korle Teaching Hospital in Ghana. Multivariable logistic regression was used to explore the factors associated with adverse outcomes of IOL. Findings: A total of 195 women who had IOL were analysed with 161 (82.6%) and 34 (17.4%) undergoing vaginal and caesarean deliveries respectively. The main IOL methods used included Misoprostol (91.3%), Oxytocin (5.1%) and Foley’s catheter (3.6%). Composite adverse perinatal outcomes occurred in 46 neonates (23.6%) comprising perinatal deaths (7.2%) and or NICU admission (21.0%). Caesarean delivery following IOL was significantly associated with nulliparity, gestational age <41 weeks, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and birth weight ≥3.5kg. Gestational age <41 weeks and birth weight <2.5kg were significantly associated with adverse perinatal outcome. Five women (2.6%) had uterine rupture all of which occurred in the misoprostol group. Conclusion: Induction of labour may result in significant perinatal complications which are related to both maternal (nullipar-ity and hypertension) and fetal (gestational age and birth weight) factors. Strict selection criteria and continuous fetal-maternal monitoring are strongly recommended to improve the birth outcomes of IOL.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)348-356
Number of pages9
JournalAfrican Health Sciences
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Ghana
  • Induction of labour
  • adverse outcomes


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