Exploring the governance practices of nurse managers in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana

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Aim: The study aim was to examine governance practices of nurse managers at the unit level in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Background: Health care managers are encouraging authorities of hospitals to appoint knowledgeable and experienced nurse managers to better coordinate and carry out the delivery of health care services. Nurse managers' governance practices have been identified as essential in ensuring quality health care delivery. This study investigated nurse managers' governance practices at the unit level. Methods: The study employed a quantitative cross-sectional design to gather data from 522 nurses in 19 selected hospitals in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and linear regression analyses. Results: The study findings showed that nurse managers exhibited a moderate level of governance practices. Qualification, training in management, experience as a nurse and experience as nurse manager together had no significant influence on governance practice (R2 =.012, p =.180). The only experience as a nurse manager was a significant predictor in the model (B = 0.037, p =.023). Conclusion: Nurse managers' roles and responsibilities continue to evolve within the complex health care system. It is important to empower nurse managers to enhance their governance practices through a well-structured programme such as coaching and mentorship to improve efficiency and effectiveness at the unit level. Implication for nursing management: Governance practices of nurse managers to create a favourable environment is essential to ensure efficiency, quality and unit outcomes. Experience as a nurse manager predicted governance practices, this implies that nurse managers should be assisted to enable them to gain experiences in governance practices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1444-1453
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Nursing Management
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Sep 2021


  • Ghana
  • Nurse managers
  • governance practices
  • unit level


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