Effective government policy and institutional frameworks: Pivots for the dissemination and sustainability of solar PV in rural areas in the developing world: The case of Ghana

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The integration of solar PV into rural electrification programmes in the developing world has brought in its wake dissemination/adoption and sustainability challenges. In looking for ways that can enhance the wider dissemination of the technology in the developing world, some authors (e.g. Philips and Browne, 1999; Hankins, 2000) have advocated the greater involvement of the private sector. While the private sector could well play a role in the PV dissemination drive, this paper by contrast argues that effective government institutional and policy frameworks are the most pivotal elements in the drive to disseminate solar PV systems to the majority of the rural poor in the developing world, and to sustain them. Using two case studies, the paper contextualises the interrelationship between ineffective government institutional and policy frameworks and the low level of solar PV dissemination in rural Ghana as well as the lack of sustainability of PV projects.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationISES Solar World Congress 2007, ISES 2007
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress 2007, ISES 2007 - Beijing
Duration: 18 Sep 200721 Sep 2007

Publication series

NameISES Solar World Congress 2007, ISES 2007


ConferenceInternational Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress 2007, ISES 2007


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