Effect of storage on the levels of phthalates in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) film-packaged drinking water

Prosper Naah Angnunavuri, Francis Attiogbe, Bismark Mensah

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)-packaged water is a popular choice for urban potable water across Africa. However, the sources and fate of priority chemical contaminants have not been adequately reported. The present study seeks to determine the effect of storage and labelling on the levels of phthalates - dimethyl phthalate (DMP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) and di(2-hexylethyl) phthalate (DEHP) - in HDPE packaged water. Printed and unprinted 500 mL packet samples, treated water and raw water samples were collected from two major companies in Accra and stored at three temperature levels for 28 days. Phthalates were extracted and pre-concentrated for analysis by GC–MS weekly. The results indicated that phthalates loading became detectable within the first 7 days of incubation, with printed samples showing higher concentrations than unprinted samples at every incubation temperature. The highest concentration was recorded for BBP (1.03 μg/L between a lower and upper confidence limits of 0.62 μg/L and 1.42 μg/L). Temperature significantly affected the concentration of DMP for printed packets (p-value = 0.05) and unprinted samples (p-value = 0.06), BBP across all samples, and DEHP in printed samples (p-value = 0.06). On the other hand, storage duration significantly affected the concentration of BBP across all samples. There was a very strong correlation between printing and the concentration of phthalates in the water samples (p-values <0.001) across the storage temperatures. Effect size analysis established significant differences between site-specific printed and unprinted samples. The present study revealed weak interactions between the selected phthalates and the HDPE matrix, and recommends alternative packaging that can restrict the presence of phthalates and other priority chemicals in plastic packaged drinking water.

Original languageEnglish
Article number157347
JournalScience of the Total Environment
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2022


  • Ink migration
  • Plastic additives
  • Public health
  • Sachet drinking water
  • Water safety


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