Inusah Salifu, Joseph Seyram Agbenyega

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Aim/Purpose To utilize Pierre Bourdieu's (1984, 1986) concepts of capitals, habitus, and field to explore and critically analyze doctoral students' learning experiences with a new doctoral curriculum introduced by a Ghanaian university. Background Global competition and labor market reforms have ignited the need for higher education institutions to reimagine their doctoral programs, develop and align them with labor market demands and national priorities. Methodology The research was conducted as a qualitative inquiry based on which the purpos-ive sampling technique was used with 18 doctoral students from a Ghanaian uni-versity. Participants took part in individual interviews and data were analyzed us-ing thematic coding procedures developed based on Bourdieu's (1984; 1986) the-orization of capital, habitus, and field Contribution The study may benefit universities in monitoring the quality of doctoral stu-dents' learning experiences. Findings The research found that, although the participants were broadly satisfied with some aspects of their programs, the additional cost associated with its duration, the lack of quality and timely feedback from supervisors, and difficulty accessing conference funding were key challenges to achieving the ultimate goals of the new doctoral curriculum. Recommendations for Practitioners The paper draws attention to human dispositions, values, and beliefs (habitus) which operate with different forms of capital in fields of doctoral training. Recommendations for Researchers Researchers may focus on tools that help to transform supervisor habitus and the kinds of support that work for individual students. Impact on Society The strongest message gleaned from this study is that to improve doctoral stu-dents' learning experiences, it is necessary first to develop a student-supervisor relationship built on mutual respect, clear timelines for achieving supervision targets, and commitment to achieving the targets. The research further chal-lenges the higher education system in Ghana and in deed, the world at large, to look beyond the objectified capital (certificates) and to develop relevant skills that students require to be professionally ready for the labor market. Future Research One of the study's limitations is that the sample was selected from one univer-sity in Ghana. Future research may compare doctoral curriculums and students' learning experiences across several Ghanaian universities. Again, this research used the perspectives of only students. A future study may draw on multiple per-spectives to provide depth and breadth of knowledge on the doctoral program.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)777-794
Number of pages18
JournalInternational Journal of Doctoral Studies
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Bourdieu's concepts
  • Doctoral curriculum
  • Doctoral students' learning experiences
  • Doctoral studies
  • Ghanaian university


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