Demographic and socio-cultural factors influencing contraceptive uptake among women of reproductive age in tamale metropolis, northern region, Ghana

Marijanatu Abdulai, Ernest Kenu, Donne K. Ameme, Delia A. Bandoh, Phillip T. Tabong, Adolphina Addo Lartey, Charles L. Noora, Eric Y. Adjei, Kofi M. Nyarko

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Background: This study assessed some demographic and socio-cultural factors that influence contraceptive uptake among reproductive-aged women in Tamale Metropolis of the Northern Region, Ghana Design: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from February to March 2015 Setting: All three sub Metropolis in Tamale Participants: All community members and women of reproductive age (15-49years) Intervention: The study used cluster sampling to recruit women who were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Nine focus group discussions (FGDs) were also held among community members who were purposively selected. Main outcome measures: Contraceptive uptake (use of contraceptive) Results: The mean age of the women was 26 years. The prevalence of contraceptive uptake among reproductive-age women was 36.8% (165/448). Women with secondary school education [AOR=4.4(95%CI:1.6-12.4)], and those in homes where decisions on having children were made by both partners [AOR=2.1(95%CI:1.1-04.42)] were more likely to use contraceptives. Unemployed women [AOR=0.3(95%CI:0.1-0.8)], women whose husbands were unaware of their contraceptive use [AOR=0.4(95%CI:0.2-0.9)] and those having a culture or religion that frowns on contraceptive use [AOR=0.4(95%CI:0.2-0.8)] were less likely to use contraceptive among women in the Tamale Metropolis. Conclusion: The study found a contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) in Tamale Metropolis, Northern Ghana to be 36.8%. Education and living in a home where childbearing decisions are made together were identified as positive factors influencing contraceptive uptake.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)64-72
Number of pages9
JournalGhana Medical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020


  • Contraceptive prevalence
  • Contraceptive uptake
  • Reproductive-aged women
  • Socio cultural factors
  • Tamale metropolis


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