Counting adolescents in: the development of an adolescent health indicator framework for population-based settings

Sachin Shinde, Guy Harling, Nega Assefa, Till Bärnighausen, Justine Bukenya, Angela Chukwu, Anne Marie Darling, Adom Manu, Ourohiré Millogo, Mary Mwanyika-Sando, Jabulani Ncayiyana, Lina Nurhussien, Rutuja Patil, Kun Tang, Wafaie Fawzi

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


Changing realities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in terms of inequalities, urbanization, globalization, migration, and economic adversity shape adolescent development and health, as well as successful transitions between adolescence and young adulthood. It is estimated that 90% of adolescents live in LMICs in 2019, but inadequate data exist to inform evidence-based and concerted policies and programs tailored to address the distinctive developmental and health needs of adolescents. Population-based data surveillance such as Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems (HDSS) and school-based surveys provide access to a well-defined population and provide cost-effective opportunities to fill in data gaps about adolescent health and well-being by collecting population-representative longitudinal data. The Africa Research Implementation Science and Education (ARISE) Network, therefore, systematically developed adolescent health and well-being indicators and a questionnaire for measuring these indicators that can be used in population-based LMIC settings. We conducted a multistage collaborative and iterative process led by network members alongside consultation with health-domain and adolescent health experts globally. Seven key domains emerged from this process: socio-demographics, health awareness and behaviors; nutrition; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; substance use; and healthcare utilization. For each domain, we generated a clear definition; rationale for inclusion; sub-domain descriptions, and a set of questions for measurement. The ARISE Network will implement the questionnaire longitudinally (i.e., at two time-points one year apart) at ten sites in seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa and two countries in Asia. Integrating the questionnaire within established population-based data collection platforms such as HDSS and school settings can provide measured experiences of young people to inform policy and program planning and evaluation in LMICs and improve adolescent health and well-being.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102067
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023


  • Adolescence
  • Global health
  • Health indicators and measurement
  • Low- and middle-income countries
  • Population-based settings


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