Collective efficacy and fear of crime in urban neighbourhoods in Ghana

Louis Kusi Frimpong, Martin Oteng-Ababio, George Owusu, Charlotte Wrigley-Asante

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between neighbourhood characteristics and fear of crime, and further explore how this relationship is mediated by collective efficacy. The background to this is that while research, mainly based on the experiences of western countries is conclusive on how collective efficacy plays a mediating role between neighbourhood structural characteristics and fear of crime, the situation in developing countries remains poorly researched. Design/methodology/approach: The study drew from a baseline survey conducted in different socio-economic neighbourhoods in four cities in Ghana. With regards to the analysis, results from a series of ordinary least square multiple regression models were used to develop a path diagram to explain the direct and indirect relationships at the various study neighbourhoods. Findings: Results from the study showed variations of the extent of neighbourhood effect on fear of crime and collective efficacy in the different socio-economic neighbourhoods. More importantly, the study revealed that collective efficacy mediated the effect of a number of neighbourhood characteristics on fear of crime in low-income neighbourhoods compared to middle- and high-income neighbourhoods. Practical implications: The conclusion of the study brings to the fore the relevance of collective efficacy as a vehicle for building safer communities in Ghana since it relies on local initiatives in addressing criminogenic problems. More importantly, it is suggested that formal crime prevention efforts should be integrated with informal crime control measures, particularly in low-income neighbourhoods. Originality/value: Using extensive survey data collected in Ghana, the study examines the applicability of collective efficacy, a western-based socio-ecological theory in a developing country context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)167-181
Number of pages15
JournalSafer Communities
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 20 Aug 2018


  • Collective efficacy
  • Fear of crime
  • Ghana
  • Informal social control
  • Neighbourhoods
  • Perceived disorder


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