Caregivers’ Perspectives on Relapse and Suggestions for Rehabilitation: A Qualitative Study in the Eastern Region of Ghana

Akosua Serwaah Bonsu, Joana Salifu Yendork, Osei Assibey Antwi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Largely, the effectiveness of programmes or interventions depend on adequate end user consultation or involvement right from their inception or developmental stages. While knowledge on approaches to mental health rehabilitation in Ghana is limited, evidence on family caregiver consultation for the development of intervention programmes is inadequately documented. Meanwhile, family caregivers play vital roles in the care of patients, and are often classified as primary caregivers especially in the phase of inadequate professionals. The current study therefore aimed to explore the perspectives of family caregivers for an effective approach towards mental health rehabilitation in Ghana. To achieve this, twenty (20) family caregivers of persons diagnosed with any form of mental illness were purposively selected, and data collected using individual in-depth interviews. Thematic Analysis guided the examination of data obtained. Various factors in the home and community that precipitate relapse, in addition to the roles of family and community in relapse prevention are discussed. More so, family caregivers deemed the need for continuity of care by family, financial support, follow-up care by professionals, effective education on care provision, spiritual intervention, and support from government, necessary for the effective rehabilitation of persons with mental illness. These findings have implications for end user involvement in the development of mental health rehabilitation programmes in Ghana.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2023


  • End user consultation/involvement
  • Family caregiver
  • Mental health rehabilitation
  • Perspectives
  • Relapse


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