Building the adaptive capacity for livelihood improvements of Sahel Savannah farmers through NGO-led adaptation interventions

Abdallah Tahiru, Brigid Sackey, George Owusu, Simon Bawakyillenuo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


The paper explores the extent to which NGO-led interventions on climate change adaptation over the years have developed the adaptive capacity of farmers in Ghana. Drawing on the experiences of farmers from the Savelugu Municipal Assembly in Ghana, the paper investigates whether the adaptation practices by NGOs are localized and sufficiently progressive to ensure sustainable adaptation. The study is situated within the interpretive paradigm using a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews and focus group discussions with NGOs and farmers in the municipality. The study finds that institutions, particularly international NGOs and the various interventions they led, have been very critical for developing potential of farmers to be actively involved in the processes of change to minimize the negative impacts of climate change. They provide direct and indirect capacity building activities such as providing farmers with information on climate change and its impact on their yields and livelihoods, building farmers skills and knowledge to deal adequately with climate variability, laying the foundations for individuals to build various capitals, directly assisting in coping and adaptive livelihood activities, financial assistance to build livelihood capitals and engaging in impact offsetting strategies. These determinants of the adaptive capacity provide interesting input in terms of guidance for management options to enhance the adaptive capacity of the communities in the face of climate change. Such results are significant in informing policy and practice at the national and local levels.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100197
JournalClimate Risk Management
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Adaptation
  • Adaptive capacity
  • Climate change
  • Farmers
  • NGOs


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