An injury profile of basketball players in Accra, Ghana

Jonathan Quartey, Setordzor F. Davor, Samuel K. Kwakye

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Basketball is played in Ghana at amateur and professional levels. The demands (cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and metabolic capacity) of the game place players at risk of sustaining injuries. There is a dearth of evidence of injuries sustained during basketball games in Ghana. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the injury profile of Ghanaian basketball players. Method: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted at the Lebanon House and Prisons courts during the 2013 Greater Accra Basketball league for Division 1 and 2 male basketball teams. Injuries were recorded according to body part injured, causes of injury, player’s ability to return to play following an injury, type of injury and treatment received using a standardised injury report form and data capturing form. Twenty-eight league competitions and 28 training sessions were observed. Data were analysed using a Z-test for two proportions. Results: Seventy-five injuries were recorded and the injury incidence was 0.190 and 0.084 per 100 participants during competition and training, respectively. Tackling attempts (42.67%) were the most common causes, followed by others (30.67%), which were dribbling, landing from a jump, sudden stops and jumping. Sprain (28%) was the most common injury. Knee injuries (21.33%) were more common than ankle injuries (17.33%). Out of the total injuries recorded, 85.33% did not receive any treatment. Conclusion: Knee injuries were the most common and most injuries did not receive treatment. It is therefore important to educate basketball players and coaches on injury prevention measures as well as developing regular exercise programmes to help minimise their occurrence. Clinical implications: Basketball injuries appear to be common so the outcomes of this study may provide prophylactic interventions and more focussed treatments regimens for basketball injury incidences in Accra.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbera467
JournalSouth African Journal of Physiotherapy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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