Achieving E-commerce benefits in a garment manufacturing firm

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Subject area: Enterprise, Strategy Study level/applicability: This case study documents the history of e-commerce adoption and usage in a fabric and garment manufacturing firm operating in an African country. Lessons drawn from the case could be applied to understanding the achievement of e-commerce benefits through the complex interrelationships between firm-level, national and global resources. Case overview: The case study presents a summary of e-commerce capabilities in the firm, the key resources developed and actions taken to deploy e-commerce capabilities and the notable benefits obtained through these e-commerce capabilities. The study shows that, first, the ability to access information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure matters in developing countries, but managerial capabilities matter more. Managerial capabilities enable firms to find external resources (both in-country and globally) to substitute for internal resource deficiencies. Second, intangible social resources – trust, reputation and credibility – play a critical role in determining whether the e-commerce strategies of firms are successful or not. Expected learning outcomes: An understanding of how managerial capabilities influence the creation of e-commerce capabilities and the achievement of e-commerce benefits, especially in an African or Ghanaian context. Learners can also draw lessons that could be applicable to understanding how a firm's strategic orientation, resource portfolio and the nature of its target market differentiate the extent of integration or adoption and usage of e-commerce in the firm. Supplementary materials: Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email [email protected] to request teaching notes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-22
Number of pages22
JournalEmerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • E-commerce strategy
  • Ghana
  • Managerial capabilities
  • Technology resources


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