A comparativ study of th basic locativ construction in Gur nƐ, Asant -Twi, and Tongugb

Samuel A. Atintono, Dorothy Agyepong, Promise Kpoglu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The chapter examines the basic locative construction (BLC) in three Niger Congo languages spoken in Ghana: GurenƐ, Asante-Twi and Tongugbe, and discusses the semantics of the verbs that occur within the construction. Using data elicited with a similar set of locative verb stimuli, we demonstrate that the languages differ in the number and type of verbs that occur in the BLC. While Asante-Twi and GurenƐ employ mostly positional verbs in the BLC, Tongugbe, similar to the other Ewe varieties, uses the locative predicate. Constructionally, the BLCs in all three languages are similar, that is, each of the languages instantiate the schema NP V PostP.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStudies in Language Companion Series
PublisherJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Publication series

NameStudies in Language Companion Series
ISSN (Print)0165-7763


  • AsanteTwi
  • Basic Locative Construction
  • GurenƐ
  • locative verbs
  • Tongugbe


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